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Roasted potato + salmon omelet

About 8 years ago, I decided on a whim to enroll in a digital media program at NSCAD University. After 2 degrees and 2 babies, you’d think I would have had enough of other people running my schedule, but I suppose the zest for learning never really dies.  

My final project in digital publication was a 30 page cooking magazine complete with our family favorites, short biographies of the members in our clan and of course, really beautiful food photography. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my brother who, although had his own pile of work in medical school, helped me cook and style my way to a perfectly wonderful grade in a class I really loved. Every weekend, we flipped through our mother’s and grandmother’s recipes, deciphered 50 year old handwritten Greek instructions and narrowed down our family favorites to thirty recipes. He thought Stuffed Peppers needed to be included and I preferred Fish Stew.  He insisted on Okra Baked in Tomato and I had my heart set on Arugula Salad with Parmesan and Capers. As you can see, we had our work cut out for us. Trying to get through hundreds of family recipes and choosing only thirty, proved to be a mighty task indeed.

We set aside a little time each week to recreate old family favorites but also made time for ones that were so typically “Panais.” One of the recipes, Peter’s Beefy Pasta, was a barely legible, photocopied recipe my youngest brother Peter brought home one year from his grade 7 Home Economics Class. A family recipe magazine wouldn't have been complete without it.

It had been months since I'd seen that magazine which nestled its way into a permanent home on our communal chalkboard wall. I was afraid it had become entangled into a pile of old books and clothes I gave away but thankfully, I found it in between papers of old recipe ideas. It dawned on me that although I had good intentions to breath life into those recipes, my time had become consumed with other things.

For the past 6 months, I’ve been trying to navigate my way through juggling a job I completely adore and still finding time to make room for everything I’ve always loved and needed. As with any new thing, it takes a bit of time to get used to a new rythym and I think I’m finding my way slowly.

The point is, I've missed it here.

Mealtime lately has been simple and quite honestly, as fuss-free as you can get. I find myself using leftovers to create new versions of old favorites. An omelet made with leftover roasted potatoes, smoked salmon, feta, dill (that's about to go bad,) and buttered toast suits us just fine. I feel a sense of relief now that summer is here since grilling chicken, fish and homemade burgers has been my saving grace.

I’ve ben travelling a bit for work and have the opportunity to visit some pretty fantastic places. If you’re ever in London, afternoon tea at this hot spot is a must!

Attended my first ever Wanderlust festival at the lovely Snowshoe Mountain in West Virginia. Holy Moly. Glorious.

This book is everything. I’m also seriously crushing on everything Emilia Clarke touches lately and knowing she’s playing Louisa in the movie made me read the entire book in a British accent. Every last page.

These were the inspiration for a set of stairs we had built by a local craftsman. Completely in love with the simplicity and rustic charm and they are the perfect lead onto the beach.

My new summer beverage. So refreshing.

Contemplating trading in my Canon for this lightweight but feeling a bit scared to make the move. Should I??

I've missed you friends. So glad to be home.



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Reader Comments (4)

Contemplating trading in my Canon for this lightweight but feeling a bit scared to make the move. Should I?? yes you should dear :D
skidrow games

May 24, 2017 | Unregistered Commenterskidrow reloaded

working perfectly fine for me, all is well, my battery life is enhanced like fifty percent, everything is working well. thanks again.

Jul 15, 2017 | Unregistered Commentergetintopc

working perfectly fine for me, all is well, my battery life is enhanced like fifty percent, everything is working well. thanks again.

Jul 15, 2017 | Unregistered Commentergetintopc

Like a flower in gloom, you lie helpless. Arise and bloom and dance like a fresh blade of grass to the drumming of the breeze of life. Arise and bounce back home like a ball. I wish you quick recovery.

Sep 4, 2017 | Unregistered Commentergetintopc

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