Crockpot meatballs with black beans + rice
My Dearest Nikolas,
You were due to arrive on the 25th of January, but made your entrance 10 days early. That was my first taste of your fierce preference to be early for absolutely everything. Returning books to the library, soccer practice, getting your math homework done. What can I say? You didn’t get that from me.
I fell in love with all 9 pounds of you the moment I saw your wrinkly little face and dark brown hair and teeny tiny fingers. I had never laid eyes on a more perfect boy in all my life and I couldn’t believe you were all mine. One of my biggest fears during my pregnancy was wondering if I could love another child the way I loved Raphaelia. That love was so profound and immense and passionate, I was frightened I wouldn’t have enough room to share. But you completed a really intimate part of my heart. The part reserved for a beautiful baby boy. I often wonder what would have happened to that heart if you hadn’t come along. If I had not known the way your little arms felt around my neck, or the way your long eyelashes felt when they brushed against my cheek during good night kisses, or the way you tell a riveting story, making sure to heighten your voice at just the right parts. How could I have ever lived without those puddled dimples, and big brown eyes and witty jokes that make me belly laugh until I can't breath? I just can’t imagine a day over the last 9 years without you by my side.
I don’t think there is a word in the English language that can accurately describe the bond between a mother and child. It’s love and fear and pain and sorrow and laughter and chaos and pride and heartbreak and worry and joy- all jumbled into one. A word for all of that hasn’t been conceived until now and I’m positive it never will. I know there will come a day when I won’t be the most important woman in your life so for now, I want to breath it all in. I want to spend hours at the beach and watch you ride your bike and come to every single hockey and soccer game. I want to build lego and watch Star Wars and sit still as you explain the rules of all the new games you’re in love with. I want family game nights and pizza parties and you. Just you.
Happy birthday baby Nikolas.
I’m so happy you were born.
Interview with Nikolas (age 9)
I’m going to make a special birthday dinner for you. What would you like?
Salmon with caeser salad and potatoes. I prefer normal potatoes now.
What is your favorite sport?
Hockey and soccer. Can’t pick mom.
Favorite book?
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Favorite song?
The song on the radio where the guy is talking about Bling? What's the name of that one?
Favorite movie?
Star Wars The Force Awakens
Favourite hockey team? Soccer? Football?
Montreal Canadians, Manchester United, Washington Redskins
Favorite ice cream?
What do love most about your sister?
That she’s funny. She can really make me laugh!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A famous hockey player in the winter and a famous soccer player in the summer
If you were stranded on a dessert island, what 3 things would you want to have with you?
- Radio
- Water
- Food
Number one bedtime snack?
Rice Krispies
Do you want to get married someday? Do you want children?
Sure. I really want kids someday.
What is one word you would use to describe yourself?
Why do you like being a kid?
Kids don’t have to work as hard as grown ups
What country do you want to visit the most?
Italy because I love pizza and spaghetti with meatballs and Italian desserts!
What are you most afraid of?
How tall do you think you are?
Probably 8 feet or so? Let’s measure after we’re done to be sure!
What is your most favorite place on earth?
Home because that’s where my toys are!
Where do you want to live when you grow up?
California because of the nice weather and the beaches.
If you could invent something that would make life easier for people, what would it be?
A robot that would do all the chores for you…so people had more time to do things they liked. Also because I hate cleaning my room.
Who are your 3 best role models?
- Daddy
- P.K Subban
- Ronaldo
Name two people who love you the most in this world?
- Mommy
- Daddy
(Perfect answer. Because it’s true)
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